(276) 669-2014

March Issue

Last month we met the best Valentine ever! We learned about God’s amazing plan of salvation, walked the Romans Road and learned how we can become part of God’s family through His Son Jesus.

We will be starting this month with a lesson about baptism. Our kids will be learning about its significance and importance. We are not only depicting the death of the “old man”; when we are baptized, we are openly declaring to the world that we are followers of Jesus. This is an important step in the life of every believer.

The rest of the month we will be focusing on the last Person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit. He is probably the least understood even for many longtime Christians. Holy Spirit works in our lives as the same Helper, Guide, Teacher, and Comforter that He was for the Christians in the early church, yet many believers today struggle to connect the amazing things God did in the early church with what He is wanting to do today.

For children, the questions aren’t necessarily about the awesome works of power, though that is certainly part of their curiosity. Their questions are more like, “How does Jesus really come into my heart?” “Is Holy Spirit really a ghost?” “How does He talk to me?” To answer these questions and more, our Kingdom Kids will be journeying through the book of Acts along with Jesus’ disciples to find out how Holy Spirit gave strength, power, help, and direction as they spread the Good News about Jesus to the ancient world.

Finally, we will be getting fruity as we learn how Holy Spirit gives us power not just to tell others about Jesus, but also to be more like Jesus. With His help we can show love, joy, peace, and more to everyone in our family and everyone we meet.

“When the Helper comes – whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father – He will testify about Me.” – John 15:26

Coming Soon!

We care about our kids.

While we are still a relatively small group, we are beginning to see growth. This is a wonderful blessing, but with it comes increased responsibility to make sure that our Kingdom Kids continue to have an engaging, fun, and safe environment.

As part of this endeavor, we are looking into a new computer software program that will allow us to do digital check- ins as well as keep attendance. This will mean some changes in the way drop off and pick up will function.

We do not yet have an exact timeline for when these changes will fully take place. In the meantime, every parent can be a help by speaking to your children about the importance of staying with their teachers until you as a parent are there to pick them up.

Events and Links

Lots in store!
We are really moving here at Kingdom Kids! In fact, we are going to be having a whole class about moving! Starting Wednesday the 29th at 7pm we will be having our first “Music and Movement” class. The kids are going be learning a song by Elevation Worship called “Lion”. It is a fun, upbeat song, but it is also a call to worship as we “prepare the way” for the Lion of Judah. Here is a link if you would like to take a listen.


It’s that time of year! Time to mark your calendars VBS 2023!

On Saturday, July 8th our kids are going to be setting sail on a high seas adventure called the “Great Commission Expedition”. During this day long VBS, our kids will be journeying through the book of Acts learning from early expeditioners Paul, Silas, and Phillip what it means to “Go into the all the world and make disciples.” There will also be games, music, food and whole lots of fun.

If you are interested in helping out in any way please contact Teresa Barker at children@fccbristol.net. We would love to have you join the crew for this special day!

Bryan Arnold

Meet The Teacher

Bryan grew up right here in Bristol. After graduation he served in the US Army then spent 17 years living in Cajun country in southern Louisiana. He is an amazing cook and if you have ever had his cooking, you know he makes the best ribs in town. He is a 15-year cancer survivor and rocks a pretty cool battle scar. He’s the husband of our very own Heather Arnold who serves on the praise team, and is a dad to four kids, three grandkids, and two crazy dogs.

He has an amazing heart for our children. He has been the youth pastor here at First Christian for the past three years. During this time, he has taken them to several concerts and conferences and been a strong encouragement to the youth in their walk with the Lord. He volunteered to help with our Kingdom Kids program last year as a way to get to know the children who would be moving up into his youth group. His heart is for the Lord and to be apart of all the amazing things that God is doing here at First Christian Church. We are so thankful to have him here as a part of our family.