(276) 669-2014

April Issue

This month is full of exciting lessons and a special guest. April will be unique in that instead of focusing on a new unit study, we will be celebrating three feasts that fall within the Passover season as well as having a special time for our children to ask questions they’ve been wanting to know the answers to.

Sometimes scripture can feel overwhelming or confusing, especially for kids who don’t have certain life experiences yet to help them put stories into the right context. We will be having a special question-and-answer session class time designed to help our children feel more engaged with the Bible, our Father, and their faith. Children can ask all the questions they have about the Bible, who certain people are, or why we believe what we believe. This day will be a time for them to get answers that will help solidify their faith.

During the Feast of Unleavened Bread, we’ll discover how “just a little leaven” affects our lives and see how Jesus is the only One without sin. Next, our special guest Brad Smith will be walking our children through a simplified Passover meal and helping them connect the dots to see where they can find Jesus represented as our sinless Passover lamb.

Finally, we will celebrate First Fruits, the day that Jesus arose from the grave! These amazing yet mostly overlooked feasts are so important to celebrate when we realize how beautifully and perfectly Jesus fulfils His Word. Because He lives, we can too!

“I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now
live I live by believing in God’s son, who loved me and
took the punishment for my sins.” ~ Galatians 5:8

Mark Your Calendars!

Sunday, April 7 Fellowship Meal after church.

Sunday, April 21 Brad Smith teaching about Passover during our regular 10:30 service time.

Tuesday, April 23 will be our church Passover meal.

Sunday, April 28 is our First Fruits celebration during our regular 10:30 service time.

Saturday, July 20“FLIPPED!” VBS.