(276) 669-2014
God Created Friendship

God Created Friendship

 May Issue Last month we had fun exploring how all of God’s special feasts point to Jesus! Jesus is the “unleavened bread” perfect and sinless. He is our Passover Lamb, sacrificed for our sins. Lastly, He is our First Fruits, the first and best. Because He rose first...
Celebrating Jesus

Celebrating Jesus

April Issue This month is full of exciting lessons and a special guest. April will be unique in that instead of focusing on a new unit study, we will be celebrating three feasts that fall within the Passover season as well as having a special time for our children to...


March Issue Last month we discovered how God puts dreams into our hearts and how He loves to partner with us to see them come true. We learned that dreaming with God can and should outlive us, that it sometimes requires teamwork, and that our dreams are contagious....
Dreaming with God!

Dreaming with God!

February Issue Last month we learned what it means to trust and obey God. We looked at the lives of four individuals and saw how their radical obedience shaped not just their individual destiny but the destiny of those around them. We learned that God doesn’t look at...
Trust & Obey

Trust & Obey

January Issue Last month we journeyed to Bethlehem to explore God’s amazing rescue plan for humanity. We began with the birth of a special man named John who would prepare the way for the Messiah. Next, we met Mary and Joseph and followed them to a special manger...
Love- A Savior Is Born

Love- A Savior Is Born

December Issue Last month we learned the power of thankfulness. We went straight to the source to see what God’s Word says about the subject of thankfulness. Next, from healings to jail breaks, we discovered how gratitude taps into the power of God to release the...