(276) 669-2014

July Issue

Last month, we learned that God speaks to His children in a variety of ways, and that we are each uniquely made to discern His voice. We met Hearers, Seers, Knowers, and Feelers. With each personality we met people in the Bible who discerned God’s voice in these ways.

This month we are beginning a new curriculum called D6 Everyday Foundations. This 2 month curriculum is designed to help kids dig deeper into God’s Word. There is a lesson for the week as well as activity booklets that help reinforce Biblical principles.

Our first week we will learn about God’s Laws- their importance and their purpose. Next, we’ll see the sad consequences of not following God’s ways and how Aaron let his fear of the people dictate his actions.

We will follow the Israelites to the edge of the Promised Land and see how they responded to scary news and what they chose to do. Finally, we will see the cost of jealousy and learn to recognize areas in our own hearts that may be envious and could lead to a rebellion if left unchecked.

Also, beginning this month, we are going to be learning the booksof the Bible in order. Children will be given take home papers to help them remember during the week. Memorization will be at a pace set by each individual child with prizes for reaching goals offered along the way.

The payment for sin is death, but the gift that God
freely gives is everlasting life found in Christ Jesus
our Lord.

What’s Happening!

Beginning Sunday, July 7
We will be launching a new class for our 3 and 4 year olds! This class will be during our regular 10:30 service time and will meet across the hall from the nursery. We are using the same D6 curriculum. However, it has been specially tailored to meet the needs of our littlest learners. If you have a child that is 3 or 4, we encourage you to bring them to this fun new class! The drop off and pick up procedures remain the same as nursery.

Week of July 15th-19th
This will be our VBS prep week. Every day from 9am – 3pm there will be activity going on here at the church. Those who can help are welcomed and encouraged to come and help us get everything ready for our big day!

Saturday July 20th 10am – 3pm VBS FLIPPED!
See below for all the details and make sure to spread the word!

Coming Soon!

Beginning July 7th We will be launching a new class for our 3 and 4 year olds! This class will be during our regular 10:30 service time and will meet across the hall from the nursery.
More information coming soon!