(276) 669-2014

May Issue

April was a full month. We learned more about how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, and celebrated Jesus’ resurrection. Finally, we discovered just how special it is to be made in God’s image and what we can do to keep our whole selves healthy and growing in our relationship with our amazing God.

This month we are starting a new unit study on bravery. We will be looking at the lives of some special people in the Bible who were brave in the face of adversity. These men and women learned firsthand what it meant to fully trust God even in the middle of scary situations. By understanding their stories, we too can learn how to be brave and follow God, especially when that stand makes us unpopular.

Our first stop is Joshua and Caleb and their courage to trust in God’s promises in the face of a scary report. We’ll discover what three Israelite men, a golden statue, and a fiery furnace have in common. We’ll even spend a night with Daniel in a lion’s den! Finally, we’ll investigate a horrible plot hatched by an evil man named Hamman, and how two people named Queen Esther and her Uncle Mordecai foiled his plans and saved the Jews from total destruction.

Because we are learning all about being brave, our power verse this month is 2 Timothy 1:7. It reminds us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.” This verse reminds us that through the power of the Holy Spirit we can not only be brave, but we can show love and have wisdom even in scary circumstances.

“for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.”  2 Timothy 1:7


May Madness!

What an exciting month with so much to do! Kids are getting out of school, and we are right on the cusp of a busy summer. A busy summer means lots of coming and going. Here are three simple ways to help your kids engage with our Amazing God even as you go!

Number 1: Listen to upbeat and uplifting music in the car. Click the links in the “What’s Happening” section for some of the songs our Kingdom Kids are learning!

Number 2: Encourage your kids to check out Bible based media on those long car rides. Crossroads Kids Channel and Saddleback Kids Channel on YouTube are great resources to find relevant Bible stories told in a way that engages and interests’ kids of all ages.

Number 3: Ask your kids what they are praying about and pray with them about those things. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s simple, sometimes it is a struggle you might not have known they were going through. When kids learn that God really listens, it can help change everything.

Here’s What’s Happening

The Music and Movement class is off and dancing! We are having a great time and discovering worship through dance. Our performance date has been moved up to June 4th to better accommodate our dancers’ schedules. They are looking forward to sharing their dance moves with their parents and the congregation!

We are officially launching our new check-in system! As with anything new, there is going to be a learning curve. It may feel almost silly and awkward at first. New ways of doing things often do. Please be patient as all of the teachers and youth volunteers become familiar with the process. Also, since it may be slow at first, getting to church a little early might help ensure everyone makes it upstairs in time for the start of service. Together, we can keep our kids safe and flourishing as our group continues to grow.

Don’t forget to tell everyone all about VBS! We are praying BIG prayers and asking God to bring in 50 kids! That’s right! We want to impact our community in a big way this summer, and we need your help to make that happen. Invite friends, neighbors, and everyone you meet, and let’s share the love of Jesus to the kids in our community!

May Madness song links: Spirit Move Bethel

We Praise You Brandon Lake

Every Beat North Point InsideOut

Lion Elevation Worship

Karen Branson

Meet The Teacher

I grew up in Bristol, Virginia and have always had a desire to serve my community. As a child I was actively involved in piano lessons and the youth choir at First Baptist Church. In high school and college, I volunteered for the YMCA After School program and also worked as a lifeguard. After graduating from Virginia Intermont College, I became an elementary school teacher and later married Justin. We have two children, Bella and Brody, and a sweet puppy named Toby. Currently, I teach 3rd grade at Stonewall Jackson Elementary school.

Justin and I felt led to attend First Christian Church in 2020. My parents Eddie and Joyce Barnes encouraged us to visit, and we felt immediately welcomed. After only a few months, my daughter Bella asked to be baptized and we knew this was the church God had called us to attend. I began teaching on Sunday mornings as needed and have loved every second of it! We feel so blessed to be a part of First Christian Church and look forward to the great things God has in store for the Kingdom Kids!!! I thank God every day for the opportunity to help a child. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this amazing church family.